Widened Horizon
Growth and Development – Our Own Pattern of Success Realized
Avastone Consulting was launched as a fresh identity in August 2004 to expand upon its previous form as Executive Expeditions. The launch stands as clear recognition of the firm’s growth, evolution, and success since 1985. Avastone is a direct response to client requests for more–greater scope and realms of support, expanded involvement sustained over time, and further innovation applied to development.
Through our work with dozens of organizations, we came to recognize the need for a widened organizational horizon and platform of capability. The identity mirrors our own conscious growth and realization, as well as our expanded breadth and depth of services. All that we have learned from the journey we’ve taken as individuals, as a team, and as a business is encapsulated in Avastone. At the core, we are who we have always been, and more.
Spirited Growth
Avastone is a story of passion–a calling, a work of creative expression, and a labor of love for our team of professionals, many of whom have worked together for nearly two decades. We are zealous about potential, about positive impact on organizations and their people, about making great things happen.
At Avastone Consulting, our passion translates into a culture of excellence, joy, and free-form magic, all wrapped in our commitment to flawless execution. Our story is one of progressive growth and development, from narrow beginnings to a widened harvest of opportunities and impact.
Infused with passion.