Its Complexity Is Its Beauty
Avastone's Approach is Anything but Flat – We Explore the Many Dimensions of Leading and Managing
As a diamond reflects the finely nuanced cuts from its core shape and form, individuals too have many facets that contribute to who they are. Leadership, with its multiple dimensions and stages, reflects and shapes the complexities of interaction within and among complex systems. Its complexity is its beauty.
Shine from Its Many Faces
We work with clients to explore leadership in a number of ways. The multitude of defining characteristics that shape leadership require a rich, evocative, and deeply distinctive cut, a perspective shaped by careful examination and practice over time. One supporting element that frames understanding is our popular Dimensions of Leadership multimedia experience. Using film, photography, music, poetry, classic references of our times, and more, Avastone provides a thought-provoking and stirring means of exploration and understanding.
In many organizations, the opportunity to lead must be earned. Another supporting element helps develop the enabling aspects of leadership and the capacities for managing well. We distill the progression of management theory into something understandable and meaningful that spawns heightened awareness and action. As a result, we help you incorporate the many roles of manager as another way to open the gateway to leadership.
In the details, brilliance.