Organizational Vitality. Global Responsibility.
Committed to Both Vitality of the Organization and Sustainability of the Global Commons
From an overarching perspective, both vitality (an organization’s capacity to thrive over time) and sustainability (the complex interplay of economic, social, and environmental streams of value at micro to macro levels) are critical to realization of a desirable and inspiring future.
Avastone Consulting is committed to the vitality and sustainability of our clients, our own organization, and the larger global community. We view these things as necessarily interdependent.
Engaged Commitment
We take our commitment to sustainability seriously and act upon it in visible areas:
- Avastone’s sustainability Action Plan, which has resulted in our carbon-neutral status as a firm.
- Member of Partnership for a Sustainable Georgia, Georgia Department of Natural Resources Pollution Prevention Assistance Division, which promotes environmental leadership.
- Our Sustainability & Leadership and related service areas that make actionable the explicit call for leadership to sustain the organization’s future within a larger context of planetary limits.
Context is everything.